Operating a successful website requires ongoing support and technical know-how.
In order for your website to succeed you’ll need to stay up-to-date with the latest technology, set up and monitor a web server, keep track of multiple 3rd party software bills, updates & licenses, and (of course) implement tight security measures to ensure your data is safe.
Does the thought of technical work make you a little nervous?
You’re not alone! Most of our customers don’t have the time or skills for this either. Your time is better well spent focusing on the tasks that you’re best at, not trying to become a part-time web developer.
Offsite backups are a godsend to website owners who have suffered catastrophic data loss. While it’s wise to make regular backups of your site, often times inexperienced users will keep all backups in one place. A web server failure can be quite serious for your businesses bottom line and a signal to worry for your customers. Our care plans include this on every tier.
One of the most popular aspects of our care plans is the access to our interactive dashboards. These dashboards put all of your businesses analytics in one spot. Stay abreast of your marketing efforts, traffic, popular posts, and more.
Software on any website can have vulnerabilities. We’ll ensure a strong security stack that helps prevent attacks keeping your website from being hacked, or passing viruses to your visitors.
Need something new put on your site? It’s as easy as a phone call or email and I’ll handle the rest. Keeping your website “fresh” will be easy ensuring your site is never out-of-date with three “30-minute tasks” each month.
All your software will be fully licensed through TopOut Group ensuring you have the latest, up-to-date, and secure versions running on your website. Our developer licenses allow us to cover your site instead of paying for all the software individually.
Your site will be constantly monitored for anything that would be considered “downtime”. Don’t get that shocking email at 9 am from a customer saying your site was down, or they couldn’t purchase an item.
Either Termageddon or iubenda privacy policy and terms of service generation. Stay ahead of privacy laws with custom, lawyer vetted privacy policies that stay up-to-date as laws rapidly are rapidly changing. With these partnerships, we're able to offer a path to compliance for almost any business or organization.